What’s new in Magento 1.7 alpha?

People from bloggento have written a great article about what’s new in Magento 1.7 alpha. Let’s take a look! Forms Captcha Captcha is a security system for forms that basically prevents spam. The «one» that is filling the form has to prove that he or she is a human. Captcha Read more…

Multiple newsletter lists in Magento

The best extension I’ve run into related to multi-newsletter (or simply newsletter groups) is the following one: Newsletter groups It’s free and works like a charm. It allows us to easily create newsletter groups from the backend (Newsletters » Newsletters groups) and then modifies the newsletter blocks on the website to Read more…

Fixing reindexing price errors in Magento

I’ve upgraded a couple of Magento CE (1.4) to Magento EE (1.11) using the traditional (and effective) way. But I found that there was an important issue when reindexing prices that prevented Magento from doing it.

Reading this post on Magento Boards I found that the problem (in my case) was related to an error with the catalog_product_entity_tier_price table where some of the entries were related to products that didn’t exist anymore. This was the actual error and when trying to reindex product prices, Magento would throw this message: